The size of a mango seems just right for this week since mommy is craving more and more fruit. Must be because I'm so thirsty all the time. Your brain is working hard right now developing all your sensory areas for smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch. Since you are able to hear my voice, I've been singing more and reading books to you every chance I get. I can't wait to hold you and actually do those things face to face! I wonder if you will come out with a full head of hair which is also developing now. The reason, I'm wondering is because I seem to be getting more and more heartburn these days; all worth it of course :)!
A couple of truly thoughtful friends surprised us over the last few of days with adorable outfits and a soft blanket for you. It was so generous of them and a wonderful way to get us started. Mommy and Daddy even went to Baby's R U to look at all the things we like for you. There's so much to choose from, but I'm sure we will get all the right things to help us take care of you, make sure you're safe, and that you are comfortable. Keep up the great work, grow healthy and strong "little man". We love you so very much.
Mommy and Daddy