You're 18 weeks today and we had our big ultrasound! Daddy and Grandma were with me. Your a boy!!!! A big happy surprise for mommy! Of course Daddy was supper excited and Grandma as well....Now Grandpa knows what color Yankee cap to get you. We are now thinking blue!!! I guess Daddy will have to get the Red Sox one....I hope they don't get you too confused; my poor baby!
It was amazing to see you today!!!!! To see how much you have grown and changed since 12 weeks. Mommy is definitely in love and got very emotional, which I seem to do a lot more lately. We saw your cute tiny face; a perfect profile. We counted your fingers and toes. Daddy went right up to the big TV monitor and counted each tiny one, it was sooooo cute! We even saw you sucking your thumb. The ultrasound tech pointed out your stomach, bladder, kidneys, and all 4 chambers of your heart which is only the size of mommies pinkie nail right now but doing so much work! You are about 5 1/2 inches long and 7 ounces, just where you should be now. You are also doing a lot of yawning, hiccuping, rolling (it was so neat to see your spinal cord when you rolled over for us), twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing to pass the time. Your blood vessels are now visible through your thin skin, your ears are also in their correct spots, and the protective covering of myelin is forming around your nerves.
Since I finally told my students about you last week, I showed them some of your pictures from today. They were so excited and thanked me for sharing my "little miracle" as they call you with them. The boys were especially excited. Go Blue!
With all the excitement today, mommy definitely needs her rest tonight. Now that we know what you are little baby boy, we have lots of planning ahead! Time for shopping, mommy's favorite part! :) Keep growing healthy and strong...you are going to be soooo cute! Mommy and Daddy are totally enamored, intrigued, and in love!
Mommy and Daddy
Congrats on the baby boy! Boys are awesome! ;) Do you have a name picked out yet?