Two weeks to go and now we are playing the waiting game. At 38 weeks you are still gaining body fat and should be around 19+ inches long. Your grasp is strong enough at this point so that you can hold Mommy and Daddy's finger as soon as we see you :). Your body is technically ready for the outside world, though I don't think your quite ready yet. It seems that you are very comfy in Mommy's belly and I don't blame you!
At our doctor's appointment yesterday, your heartbeat sounded great and the nurse practitioner checked to see if Mommy was dilated at all, but I'm not yet so the waiting continues. That's perfectly fine since we still have 2 weeks until our due date. Just stay warm and comfy and keep growing healthy :). Mommy and Daddy are continuing to get our home set, trying to relax, and spending as much time together as possible. We know we need our rest now! I have also been sitting in your room a lot rocking and reading to you, it's so peaceful. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and strong! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
I finally have some new pictures to post of my belly and of your room! Everyone's been asking...
38 weeks!
and there is even a parrot...
You look great! And I love his room!!! The bedding is adorable and I can't even express how awesome the walls are!!! You have done such a fantastic job! He is going to love his room!