Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,

Well everyone has been telling mommy how pregnant she is looking now. It must be the glow or my growing belly! I seem to follow it these days. :) It even bounces around a lot now that you are so actively kicking and moving around. What an incredible feeling it is
both physically and emotionally to feel you now. The bond I feel with you grows everyday, so much so that words are not enough to describe the feeling. It makes me so happy so sit and feel you move, letting me know that you are doing well in there.
I also can't believe how quickly time is going by and that I am almost 7 months pregnant with you. Sometimes I feel like I haven't even had the chance to embrace all that is happening and all the changes that are coming our way. But I promise to continue to take the time to reflect and enjoy these moments as I know it will all continue to go by too fast.
At 27 weeks you weigh about 2 pounds and are about 14 and 1/2 inches long. You are sleeping and waking at regular intervals now which I am trying to keep track of, especially the times that you wake me in the middle of the night ;). You can also open and close your eyes now and follow a light if pointed at my belly, pretty remarkable! Your brain is extremely active now but your lungs are still developing as they should be at this time. All that hiccuping that I feel is very common of your movements now as well.
Daddy and I have been spending lots of time out doors, at the beach, walking around, and enjoying the sounds around us so that you will get use to them. We can't wait to have new experiences with you and share in all of life's wonders together. Our love for you grows more and more with each passing day. Keep growing healthy and strong little man!

Mommy and Daddy

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