Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,

At 36 weeks you are gaining about an ounce a day and should be weighing around 6 pounds by now. You are also about 18 and 1/2 inches long. As you get bigger and have less room it is funny to watch my belly move. You shift to one side and then the other so my whole belly looks lopsided at times. Daddy and I had a good laugh about it yesterday. You are also starting to shed most of the downy covering of hair on your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protects your skin. Your grasp is getting stronger and by the end of this week you will be considered full term!

Mommy is trying to take advantage of having some time off to relax now. I have started to get the hang of afternoon's pretty nice actually since I feel so tired by early evening if I don't allow myself some rest. Daddy and I are also making pretty good progress on getting our home together, by this weekend we should have most things hung up and probably most of your room done. We have a surprise for your room coming soon and if all goes well, we'll post some pictures!

Mommy is also trying to get things packed for the hospital just to be a little prepared for when the time comes and even though I have been having some weird and crazy dreams about our hospital stay and your arrival, I'm feeling pretty calm when I'm awake. Just letting things happen as they should. At least it's only my subconscious going crazy for now. :) We had a great check up on Tuesday, you are in position and your heart beat sounds terrific. The nurse practitioner said you are a happy baby, I hope she's right! We'll be there again next Tuesday and I think Daddy will be able to join us!

Keep up the good work, grow healthy and strong so we can get ready for the big day! We love you very much and can't wait to meet you!

Mommy and Daddy

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