Monday, December 14, 2009
New Blog
Okay, so instead of redoing this blog. I wanted to save it to be about my pregnancy, so I started a new one for Jonah! "It's all about Jonah" come visit it at:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jonah has arrived!
Baby Jonah Ethan arrived on August 11th at 11:28am! He is truly amazing and Mommy and Daddy are in such awe of him. We are learning so much about each other, watching him grow quickly already, and trying to get our rest when we can. Here are some beautiful pictures of our little man. We have so much more to write about soon!
Jonah Ethan Rivas 6lbs 13 oz
Aren't I the cutest!!!
Aren't I the cutest!!!
The most incredible moment of my life!
Our little angel going home!
Our happy family!!!
What a handsome boy!!! Mommy and Daddy are in love!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
2 weeks!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Two weeks to go and now we are playing the waiting game. At 38 weeks you are still gaining body fat and should be around 19+ inches long. Your grasp is strong enough at this point so that you can hold Mommy and Daddy's finger as soon as we see you :). Your body is technically ready for the outside world, though I don't think your quite ready yet. It seems that you are very comfy in Mommy's belly and I don't blame you!
At our doctor's appointment yesterday, your heartbeat sounded great and the nurse practitioner checked to see if Mommy was dilated at all, but I'm not yet so the waiting continues. That's perfectly fine since we still have 2 weeks until our due date. Just stay warm and comfy and keep growing healthy :). Mommy and Daddy are continuing to get our home set, trying to relax, and spending as much time together as possible. We know we need our rest now! I have also been sitting in your room a lot rocking and reading to you, it's so peaceful. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and strong! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
I finally have some new pictures to post of my belly and of your room! Everyone's been asking...
Check out the monkeys, we never expected them to be so big but....I hope he likes them as much as we do! :)
and there is even a parrot...

Two weeks to go and now we are playing the waiting game. At 38 weeks you are still gaining body fat and should be around 19+ inches long. Your grasp is strong enough at this point so that you can hold Mommy and Daddy's finger as soon as we see you :). Your body is technically ready for the outside world, though I don't think your quite ready yet. It seems that you are very comfy in Mommy's belly and I don't blame you!
At our doctor's appointment yesterday, your heartbeat sounded great and the nurse practitioner checked to see if Mommy was dilated at all, but I'm not yet so the waiting continues. That's perfectly fine since we still have 2 weeks until our due date. Just stay warm and comfy and keep growing healthy :). Mommy and Daddy are continuing to get our home set, trying to relax, and spending as much time together as possible. We know we need our rest now! I have also been sitting in your room a lot rocking and reading to you, it's so peaceful. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and strong! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
I finally have some new pictures to post of my belly and of your room! Everyone's been asking...
38 weeks!
and there is even a parrot...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
We've made it, full-term! At 37 weeks you could join us any day now with your lungs fully developed and ready to adjust to life outside mommy's belly. You also may or may not have a full head of hear. Daddy suggested packing your baby brush just in case :) .
Our doctor's appointment yesterday went really well. We met Dr. Jamison who told us how you were positioned and said that we were on "autopilot" now as far as when you could arrive. He assured me that I would know, which made me a bit nervous but excited as well. He also told Daddy and I that you are probably about 7 and 1/2 pounds from what he could tell by feeling how big you are in my belly. We listened to your strong heartbeat as well! That is always the best part of the visit and a big relief for Daddy and I each time we hear you.
I talked to the doctor about how I was starting to getting more and more uncomfortable. It's hard sleeping at night since it is difficult at times to stay in a comfortable position and since I'm up more and more to use the bathroom. I'm also getting more pressure in my belly and of course some heart burn and leg cramps in the middle of the night. Luckily, he said it was all normal jokingly commenting that "he had never heard that from pregnant women before." I giggled at his sarcasm and feel good that I can't complain much since everything has been going well so far and I've really enjoyed being pregnant without many discomforts. I'm just making sure I take it a bit easy now and rest when I feel that I need to.
Daddy has been working hard to help get things set for you . He hung the curtains in your room and put together your stroller and infant car seat carrier yesterday. Now we have to install the base into the car. I think he's getting more and more excited about you being here soon and wants things just right and ready for your arrival :) . We keep talking about how we are going to be a family now and how we created you out of so much love that we have for each other that it will be poured onto you with great affection. It's such a wonderful feeling to start a family with such strong bonds. We are so looking forward to meeting you! Keep growing healthy and strong for a little while longer. Mommy and Daddy love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
We've made it, full-term! At 37 weeks you could join us any day now with your lungs fully developed and ready to adjust to life outside mommy's belly. You also may or may not have a full head of hear. Daddy suggested packing your baby brush just in case :) .
Our doctor's appointment yesterday went really well. We met Dr. Jamison who told us how you were positioned and said that we were on "autopilot" now as far as when you could arrive. He assured me that I would know, which made me a bit nervous but excited as well. He also told Daddy and I that you are probably about 7 and 1/2 pounds from what he could tell by feeling how big you are in my belly. We listened to your strong heartbeat as well! That is always the best part of the visit and a big relief for Daddy and I each time we hear you.
I talked to the doctor about how I was starting to getting more and more uncomfortable. It's hard sleeping at night since it is difficult at times to stay in a comfortable position and since I'm up more and more to use the bathroom. I'm also getting more pressure in my belly and of course some heart burn and leg cramps in the middle of the night. Luckily, he said it was all normal jokingly commenting that "he had never heard that from pregnant women before." I giggled at his sarcasm and feel good that I can't complain much since everything has been going well so far and I've really enjoyed being pregnant without many discomforts. I'm just making sure I take it a bit easy now and rest when I feel that I need to.
Daddy has been working hard to help get things set for you . He hung the curtains in your room and put together your stroller and infant car seat carrier yesterday. Now we have to install the base into the car. I think he's getting more and more excited about you being here soon and wants things just right and ready for your arrival :) . We keep talking about how we are going to be a family now and how we created you out of so much love that we have for each other that it will be poured onto you with great affection. It's such a wonderful feeling to start a family with such strong bonds. We are so looking forward to meeting you! Keep growing healthy and strong for a little while longer. Mommy and Daddy love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 36 weeks you are gaining about an ounce a day and should be weighing around 6 pounds by now. You are also about 18 and 1/2 inches long. As you get bigger and have less room it is funny to watch my belly move. You shift to one side and then the other so my whole belly looks lopsided at times. Daddy and I had a good laugh about it yesterday. You are also starting to shed most of the downy covering of hair on your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protects your skin. Your grasp is getting stronger and by the end of this week you will be considered full term!
Mommy is trying to take advantage of having some time off to relax now. I have started to get the hang of afternoon's pretty nice actually since I feel so tired by early evening if I don't allow myself some rest. Daddy and I are also making pretty good progress on getting our home together, by this weekend we should have most things hung up and probably most of your room done. We have a surprise for your room coming soon and if all goes well, we'll post some pictures!
Mommy is also trying to get things packed for the hospital just to be a little prepared for when the time comes and even though I have been having some weird and crazy dreams about our hospital stay and your arrival, I'm feeling pretty calm when I'm awake. Just letting things happen as they should. At least it's only my subconscious going crazy for now. :) We had a great check up on Tuesday, you are in position and your heart beat sounds terrific. The nurse practitioner said you are a happy baby, I hope she's right! We'll be there again next Tuesday and I think Daddy will be able to join us!
Keep up the good work, grow healthy and strong so we can get ready for the big day! We love you very much and can't wait to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy
At 36 weeks you are gaining about an ounce a day and should be weighing around 6 pounds by now. You are also about 18 and 1/2 inches long. As you get bigger and have less room it is funny to watch my belly move. You shift to one side and then the other so my whole belly looks lopsided at times. Daddy and I had a good laugh about it yesterday. You are also starting to shed most of the downy covering of hair on your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protects your skin. Your grasp is getting stronger and by the end of this week you will be considered full term!
Mommy is trying to take advantage of having some time off to relax now. I have started to get the hang of afternoon's pretty nice actually since I feel so tired by early evening if I don't allow myself some rest. Daddy and I are also making pretty good progress on getting our home together, by this weekend we should have most things hung up and probably most of your room done. We have a surprise for your room coming soon and if all goes well, we'll post some pictures!
Mommy is also trying to get things packed for the hospital just to be a little prepared for when the time comes and even though I have been having some weird and crazy dreams about our hospital stay and your arrival, I'm feeling pretty calm when I'm awake. Just letting things happen as they should. At least it's only my subconscious going crazy for now. :) We had a great check up on Tuesday, you are in position and your heart beat sounds terrific. The nurse practitioner said you are a happy baby, I hope she's right! We'll be there again next Tuesday and I think Daddy will be able to join us!
Keep up the good work, grow healthy and strong so we can get ready for the big day! We love you very much and can't wait to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
5 more weeks!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy!
Five weeks to go and counting, I can't believe it! All went well at our doctor's appointment yesterday. It was so nice to have daddy with us so he could hear your heart beat. The nurse practitioner assured mommy that all her physical and emotional symptoms were perfectly normal, thank goodness :). She even showed us how you were positioned in mommy's belly with your head down, right where it should be. She helped me feel where your head, back, tushy, hands and feet are. I knew it was your tush bumping up in that favorite spot of yours all the time! It's amazing how she could tell where you are positioned. I'll be starting to go for check ups every week now.
Daddy and I also took a Lamaze class last Saturday. It was actually a very good class. It seemed to be really helpful and gave us lots of useful information. We learned about many specific details in the physical and mental parts of labor and delievery. The most valuable parts were practicing the breathing techniques, different positions to get in for comfort, and the massage techniques. I think Daddy really appreciated the class and said that it was worth spending the day learning how to be a good support person for me.
By now most of your physical development is complete. Your kidney's are fully developed and your liver is able to produce waste. You are over 18 inches long and weighing about 5 and 1/4 pounds. From here on you should be gaining about 1 ounce a day. No wonder, I feel as though you have no more room in there! :) I also read that 35% of your brain development happens within the next 5 weeks. So we'll be doing lots of resting and reading!!! As my uterus has expanded to 15 times it's original size, mommy has started to feel lots of tightening when you stretch out and more shortness of breath especially when on her feet much of the day. I think I'll be trying to slow down a bit more over the next month or so. Daddy keeps insisting that I rest more often so that I can enjoy this last bit of "just you and me" time we have together. He is very concerned about us now that we are getting closer to your due date. It's very endearing and nice to know how much he loves us. We keep plugging away at getting this house organized and set up and are expecting some really neat things happening in your room soon! I'll post some pictures once we finish up!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy promises to do everything she can to make this a smooth transition for all of us. Daddy and I love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Five weeks to go and counting, I can't believe it! All went well at our doctor's appointment yesterday. It was so nice to have daddy with us so he could hear your heart beat. The nurse practitioner assured mommy that all her physical and emotional symptoms were perfectly normal, thank goodness :). She even showed us how you were positioned in mommy's belly with your head down, right where it should be. She helped me feel where your head, back, tushy, hands and feet are. I knew it was your tush bumping up in that favorite spot of yours all the time! It's amazing how she could tell where you are positioned. I'll be starting to go for check ups every week now.
Daddy and I also took a Lamaze class last Saturday. It was actually a very good class. It seemed to be really helpful and gave us lots of useful information. We learned about many specific details in the physical and mental parts of labor and delievery. The most valuable parts were practicing the breathing techniques, different positions to get in for comfort, and the massage techniques. I think Daddy really appreciated the class and said that it was worth spending the day learning how to be a good support person for me.
By now most of your physical development is complete. Your kidney's are fully developed and your liver is able to produce waste. You are over 18 inches long and weighing about 5 and 1/4 pounds. From here on you should be gaining about 1 ounce a day. No wonder, I feel as though you have no more room in there! :) I also read that 35% of your brain development happens within the next 5 weeks. So we'll be doing lots of resting and reading!!! As my uterus has expanded to 15 times it's original size, mommy has started to feel lots of tightening when you stretch out and more shortness of breath especially when on her feet much of the day. I think I'll be trying to slow down a bit more over the next month or so. Daddy keeps insisting that I rest more often so that I can enjoy this last bit of "just you and me" time we have together. He is very concerned about us now that we are getting closer to your due date. It's very endearing and nice to know how much he loves us. We keep plugging away at getting this house organized and set up and are expecting some really neat things happening in your room soon! I'll post some pictures once we finish up!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy promises to do everything she can to make this a smooth transition for all of us. Daddy and I love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Friday, July 10, 2009
Less than 6 weeks to go!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Mommy feels terrible that she hasn't been able to write an update over the last 2 weeks, but we are finally starting to get settled into our new place! It has been a very hectic couple of weeks for all of us, between moving, unpacking, and getting things in order around here. Thank goodness Grandma has been able to help so much! Now it's just a matter of finishing up some organization and decorating, but we're getting there.
Over the last 2 weeks, mommy has definitely been getting more tired and feeling very pregnant. Between you growing and all the work from moving, it has been a challenge. I want to do so much, yet feel a bit limited at times because no one wants me bending to much, standing on things, or lifting anything. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, since it is only a short period of time that we have left!
You have grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks and at 34 weeks you are now about 4 and 3/4 to 5 pounds and around 18 inches long. Also, your immune system, central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature. At times it feels like you have no more room in there especially when you are rolling around, though it is the best time for me. I truly enjoy feeling you move around even in the middle of the night. It's "our" time, only. :)
Daddy and Mommy are headed to a full day Lamaze class tomorrow where we will be learning what we can expect during labor and delivery and getting some coaching for coping with any pain. I hope that it will help us in having a smooth and safe delivery. I still can't believe how soon you will be here with us. We can't wait to hold you in our arms and are anticipating your arrival with great joy and excitement! So keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and will do everything we can to assure that you are healthy and happy.
Mommy and Daddy
Mommy feels terrible that she hasn't been able to write an update over the last 2 weeks, but we are finally starting to get settled into our new place! It has been a very hectic couple of weeks for all of us, between moving, unpacking, and getting things in order around here. Thank goodness Grandma has been able to help so much! Now it's just a matter of finishing up some organization and decorating, but we're getting there.
Over the last 2 weeks, mommy has definitely been getting more tired and feeling very pregnant. Between you growing and all the work from moving, it has been a challenge. I want to do so much, yet feel a bit limited at times because no one wants me bending to much, standing on things, or lifting anything. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, since it is only a short period of time that we have left!
You have grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks and at 34 weeks you are now about 4 and 3/4 to 5 pounds and around 18 inches long. Also, your immune system, central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature. At times it feels like you have no more room in there especially when you are rolling around, though it is the best time for me. I truly enjoy feeling you move around even in the middle of the night. It's "our" time, only. :)
Daddy and Mommy are headed to a full day Lamaze class tomorrow where we will be learning what we can expect during labor and delivery and getting some coaching for coping with any pain. I hope that it will help us in having a smooth and safe delivery. I still can't believe how soon you will be here with us. We can't wait to hold you in our arms and are anticipating your arrival with great joy and excitement! So keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and will do everything we can to assure that you are healthy and happy.
Mommy and Daddy
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