Monday, December 14, 2009
New Blog
Okay, so instead of redoing this blog. I wanted to save it to be about my pregnancy, so I started a new one for Jonah! "It's all about Jonah" come visit it at:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jonah has arrived!
Baby Jonah Ethan arrived on August 11th at 11:28am! He is truly amazing and Mommy and Daddy are in such awe of him. We are learning so much about each other, watching him grow quickly already, and trying to get our rest when we can. Here are some beautiful pictures of our little man. We have so much more to write about soon!
Jonah Ethan Rivas 6lbs 13 oz
Aren't I the cutest!!!
Aren't I the cutest!!!
The most incredible moment of my life!
Our little angel going home!
Our happy family!!!
What a handsome boy!!! Mommy and Daddy are in love!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
2 weeks!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Two weeks to go and now we are playing the waiting game. At 38 weeks you are still gaining body fat and should be around 19+ inches long. Your grasp is strong enough at this point so that you can hold Mommy and Daddy's finger as soon as we see you :). Your body is technically ready for the outside world, though I don't think your quite ready yet. It seems that you are very comfy in Mommy's belly and I don't blame you!
At our doctor's appointment yesterday, your heartbeat sounded great and the nurse practitioner checked to see if Mommy was dilated at all, but I'm not yet so the waiting continues. That's perfectly fine since we still have 2 weeks until our due date. Just stay warm and comfy and keep growing healthy :). Mommy and Daddy are continuing to get our home set, trying to relax, and spending as much time together as possible. We know we need our rest now! I have also been sitting in your room a lot rocking and reading to you, it's so peaceful. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and strong! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
I finally have some new pictures to post of my belly and of your room! Everyone's been asking...
Check out the monkeys, we never expected them to be so big but....I hope he likes them as much as we do! :)
and there is even a parrot...

Two weeks to go and now we are playing the waiting game. At 38 weeks you are still gaining body fat and should be around 19+ inches long. Your grasp is strong enough at this point so that you can hold Mommy and Daddy's finger as soon as we see you :). Your body is technically ready for the outside world, though I don't think your quite ready yet. It seems that you are very comfy in Mommy's belly and I don't blame you!
At our doctor's appointment yesterday, your heartbeat sounded great and the nurse practitioner checked to see if Mommy was dilated at all, but I'm not yet so the waiting continues. That's perfectly fine since we still have 2 weeks until our due date. Just stay warm and comfy and keep growing healthy :). Mommy and Daddy are continuing to get our home set, trying to relax, and spending as much time together as possible. We know we need our rest now! I have also been sitting in your room a lot rocking and reading to you, it's so peaceful. Keep up the great work, stay healthy and strong! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
I finally have some new pictures to post of my belly and of your room! Everyone's been asking...
38 weeks!
and there is even a parrot...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
We've made it, full-term! At 37 weeks you could join us any day now with your lungs fully developed and ready to adjust to life outside mommy's belly. You also may or may not have a full head of hear. Daddy suggested packing your baby brush just in case :) .
Our doctor's appointment yesterday went really well. We met Dr. Jamison who told us how you were positioned and said that we were on "autopilot" now as far as when you could arrive. He assured me that I would know, which made me a bit nervous but excited as well. He also told Daddy and I that you are probably about 7 and 1/2 pounds from what he could tell by feeling how big you are in my belly. We listened to your strong heartbeat as well! That is always the best part of the visit and a big relief for Daddy and I each time we hear you.
I talked to the doctor about how I was starting to getting more and more uncomfortable. It's hard sleeping at night since it is difficult at times to stay in a comfortable position and since I'm up more and more to use the bathroom. I'm also getting more pressure in my belly and of course some heart burn and leg cramps in the middle of the night. Luckily, he said it was all normal jokingly commenting that "he had never heard that from pregnant women before." I giggled at his sarcasm and feel good that I can't complain much since everything has been going well so far and I've really enjoyed being pregnant without many discomforts. I'm just making sure I take it a bit easy now and rest when I feel that I need to.
Daddy has been working hard to help get things set for you . He hung the curtains in your room and put together your stroller and infant car seat carrier yesterday. Now we have to install the base into the car. I think he's getting more and more excited about you being here soon and wants things just right and ready for your arrival :) . We keep talking about how we are going to be a family now and how we created you out of so much love that we have for each other that it will be poured onto you with great affection. It's such a wonderful feeling to start a family with such strong bonds. We are so looking forward to meeting you! Keep growing healthy and strong for a little while longer. Mommy and Daddy love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
We've made it, full-term! At 37 weeks you could join us any day now with your lungs fully developed and ready to adjust to life outside mommy's belly. You also may or may not have a full head of hear. Daddy suggested packing your baby brush just in case :) .
Our doctor's appointment yesterday went really well. We met Dr. Jamison who told us how you were positioned and said that we were on "autopilot" now as far as when you could arrive. He assured me that I would know, which made me a bit nervous but excited as well. He also told Daddy and I that you are probably about 7 and 1/2 pounds from what he could tell by feeling how big you are in my belly. We listened to your strong heartbeat as well! That is always the best part of the visit and a big relief for Daddy and I each time we hear you.
I talked to the doctor about how I was starting to getting more and more uncomfortable. It's hard sleeping at night since it is difficult at times to stay in a comfortable position and since I'm up more and more to use the bathroom. I'm also getting more pressure in my belly and of course some heart burn and leg cramps in the middle of the night. Luckily, he said it was all normal jokingly commenting that "he had never heard that from pregnant women before." I giggled at his sarcasm and feel good that I can't complain much since everything has been going well so far and I've really enjoyed being pregnant without many discomforts. I'm just making sure I take it a bit easy now and rest when I feel that I need to.
Daddy has been working hard to help get things set for you . He hung the curtains in your room and put together your stroller and infant car seat carrier yesterday. Now we have to install the base into the car. I think he's getting more and more excited about you being here soon and wants things just right and ready for your arrival :) . We keep talking about how we are going to be a family now and how we created you out of so much love that we have for each other that it will be poured onto you with great affection. It's such a wonderful feeling to start a family with such strong bonds. We are so looking forward to meeting you! Keep growing healthy and strong for a little while longer. Mommy and Daddy love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 36 weeks you are gaining about an ounce a day and should be weighing around 6 pounds by now. You are also about 18 and 1/2 inches long. As you get bigger and have less room it is funny to watch my belly move. You shift to one side and then the other so my whole belly looks lopsided at times. Daddy and I had a good laugh about it yesterday. You are also starting to shed most of the downy covering of hair on your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protects your skin. Your grasp is getting stronger and by the end of this week you will be considered full term!
Mommy is trying to take advantage of having some time off to relax now. I have started to get the hang of afternoon's pretty nice actually since I feel so tired by early evening if I don't allow myself some rest. Daddy and I are also making pretty good progress on getting our home together, by this weekend we should have most things hung up and probably most of your room done. We have a surprise for your room coming soon and if all goes well, we'll post some pictures!
Mommy is also trying to get things packed for the hospital just to be a little prepared for when the time comes and even though I have been having some weird and crazy dreams about our hospital stay and your arrival, I'm feeling pretty calm when I'm awake. Just letting things happen as they should. At least it's only my subconscious going crazy for now. :) We had a great check up on Tuesday, you are in position and your heart beat sounds terrific. The nurse practitioner said you are a happy baby, I hope she's right! We'll be there again next Tuesday and I think Daddy will be able to join us!
Keep up the good work, grow healthy and strong so we can get ready for the big day! We love you very much and can't wait to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy
At 36 weeks you are gaining about an ounce a day and should be weighing around 6 pounds by now. You are also about 18 and 1/2 inches long. As you get bigger and have less room it is funny to watch my belly move. You shift to one side and then the other so my whole belly looks lopsided at times. Daddy and I had a good laugh about it yesterday. You are also starting to shed most of the downy covering of hair on your body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protects your skin. Your grasp is getting stronger and by the end of this week you will be considered full term!
Mommy is trying to take advantage of having some time off to relax now. I have started to get the hang of afternoon's pretty nice actually since I feel so tired by early evening if I don't allow myself some rest. Daddy and I are also making pretty good progress on getting our home together, by this weekend we should have most things hung up and probably most of your room done. We have a surprise for your room coming soon and if all goes well, we'll post some pictures!
Mommy is also trying to get things packed for the hospital just to be a little prepared for when the time comes and even though I have been having some weird and crazy dreams about our hospital stay and your arrival, I'm feeling pretty calm when I'm awake. Just letting things happen as they should. At least it's only my subconscious going crazy for now. :) We had a great check up on Tuesday, you are in position and your heart beat sounds terrific. The nurse practitioner said you are a happy baby, I hope she's right! We'll be there again next Tuesday and I think Daddy will be able to join us!
Keep up the good work, grow healthy and strong so we can get ready for the big day! We love you very much and can't wait to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
5 more weeks!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy!
Five weeks to go and counting, I can't believe it! All went well at our doctor's appointment yesterday. It was so nice to have daddy with us so he could hear your heart beat. The nurse practitioner assured mommy that all her physical and emotional symptoms were perfectly normal, thank goodness :). She even showed us how you were positioned in mommy's belly with your head down, right where it should be. She helped me feel where your head, back, tushy, hands and feet are. I knew it was your tush bumping up in that favorite spot of yours all the time! It's amazing how she could tell where you are positioned. I'll be starting to go for check ups every week now.
Daddy and I also took a Lamaze class last Saturday. It was actually a very good class. It seemed to be really helpful and gave us lots of useful information. We learned about many specific details in the physical and mental parts of labor and delievery. The most valuable parts were practicing the breathing techniques, different positions to get in for comfort, and the massage techniques. I think Daddy really appreciated the class and said that it was worth spending the day learning how to be a good support person for me.
By now most of your physical development is complete. Your kidney's are fully developed and your liver is able to produce waste. You are over 18 inches long and weighing about 5 and 1/4 pounds. From here on you should be gaining about 1 ounce a day. No wonder, I feel as though you have no more room in there! :) I also read that 35% of your brain development happens within the next 5 weeks. So we'll be doing lots of resting and reading!!! As my uterus has expanded to 15 times it's original size, mommy has started to feel lots of tightening when you stretch out and more shortness of breath especially when on her feet much of the day. I think I'll be trying to slow down a bit more over the next month or so. Daddy keeps insisting that I rest more often so that I can enjoy this last bit of "just you and me" time we have together. He is very concerned about us now that we are getting closer to your due date. It's very endearing and nice to know how much he loves us. We keep plugging away at getting this house organized and set up and are expecting some really neat things happening in your room soon! I'll post some pictures once we finish up!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy promises to do everything she can to make this a smooth transition for all of us. Daddy and I love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Five weeks to go and counting, I can't believe it! All went well at our doctor's appointment yesterday. It was so nice to have daddy with us so he could hear your heart beat. The nurse practitioner assured mommy that all her physical and emotional symptoms were perfectly normal, thank goodness :). She even showed us how you were positioned in mommy's belly with your head down, right where it should be. She helped me feel where your head, back, tushy, hands and feet are. I knew it was your tush bumping up in that favorite spot of yours all the time! It's amazing how she could tell where you are positioned. I'll be starting to go for check ups every week now.
Daddy and I also took a Lamaze class last Saturday. It was actually a very good class. It seemed to be really helpful and gave us lots of useful information. We learned about many specific details in the physical and mental parts of labor and delievery. The most valuable parts were practicing the breathing techniques, different positions to get in for comfort, and the massage techniques. I think Daddy really appreciated the class and said that it was worth spending the day learning how to be a good support person for me.
By now most of your physical development is complete. Your kidney's are fully developed and your liver is able to produce waste. You are over 18 inches long and weighing about 5 and 1/4 pounds. From here on you should be gaining about 1 ounce a day. No wonder, I feel as though you have no more room in there! :) I also read that 35% of your brain development happens within the next 5 weeks. So we'll be doing lots of resting and reading!!! As my uterus has expanded to 15 times it's original size, mommy has started to feel lots of tightening when you stretch out and more shortness of breath especially when on her feet much of the day. I think I'll be trying to slow down a bit more over the next month or so. Daddy keeps insisting that I rest more often so that I can enjoy this last bit of "just you and me" time we have together. He is very concerned about us now that we are getting closer to your due date. It's very endearing and nice to know how much he loves us. We keep plugging away at getting this house organized and set up and are expecting some really neat things happening in your room soon! I'll post some pictures once we finish up!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy promises to do everything she can to make this a smooth transition for all of us. Daddy and I love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Friday, July 10, 2009
Less than 6 weeks to go!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Mommy feels terrible that she hasn't been able to write an update over the last 2 weeks, but we are finally starting to get settled into our new place! It has been a very hectic couple of weeks for all of us, between moving, unpacking, and getting things in order around here. Thank goodness Grandma has been able to help so much! Now it's just a matter of finishing up some organization and decorating, but we're getting there.
Over the last 2 weeks, mommy has definitely been getting more tired and feeling very pregnant. Between you growing and all the work from moving, it has been a challenge. I want to do so much, yet feel a bit limited at times because no one wants me bending to much, standing on things, or lifting anything. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, since it is only a short period of time that we have left!
You have grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks and at 34 weeks you are now about 4 and 3/4 to 5 pounds and around 18 inches long. Also, your immune system, central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature. At times it feels like you have no more room in there especially when you are rolling around, though it is the best time for me. I truly enjoy feeling you move around even in the middle of the night. It's "our" time, only. :)
Daddy and Mommy are headed to a full day Lamaze class tomorrow where we will be learning what we can expect during labor and delivery and getting some coaching for coping with any pain. I hope that it will help us in having a smooth and safe delivery. I still can't believe how soon you will be here with us. We can't wait to hold you in our arms and are anticipating your arrival with great joy and excitement! So keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and will do everything we can to assure that you are healthy and happy.
Mommy and Daddy
Mommy feels terrible that she hasn't been able to write an update over the last 2 weeks, but we are finally starting to get settled into our new place! It has been a very hectic couple of weeks for all of us, between moving, unpacking, and getting things in order around here. Thank goodness Grandma has been able to help so much! Now it's just a matter of finishing up some organization and decorating, but we're getting there.
Over the last 2 weeks, mommy has definitely been getting more tired and feeling very pregnant. Between you growing and all the work from moving, it has been a challenge. I want to do so much, yet feel a bit limited at times because no one wants me bending to much, standing on things, or lifting anything. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, since it is only a short period of time that we have left!
You have grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks and at 34 weeks you are now about 4 and 3/4 to 5 pounds and around 18 inches long. Also, your immune system, central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature. At times it feels like you have no more room in there especially when you are rolling around, though it is the best time for me. I truly enjoy feeling you move around even in the middle of the night. It's "our" time, only. :)
Daddy and Mommy are headed to a full day Lamaze class tomorrow where we will be learning what we can expect during labor and delivery and getting some coaching for coping with any pain. I hope that it will help us in having a smooth and safe delivery. I still can't believe how soon you will be here with us. We can't wait to hold you in our arms and are anticipating your arrival with great joy and excitement! So keep growing healthy and strong little one. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and will do everything we can to assure that you are healthy and happy.
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
8 weeks and counting!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Wow, the 8th month! Time sure is flying by and there is still so much to do! At 32 weeks you are getting closer to 4 pounds and are about 16.7-17 inches long. It seems that you will be gaining about a third of your weight over the next 7 weeks. You have fully grown fingernails, toenails, and hair or at least "peach fuzz" on your little head! Your skin is also becoming more soft and smooth as you plump up.
Daddy and Mommy spent Father's day putting together your crib and getting the bedding fitted on just right. I even did a first load of laundry for you! All of your sheets and receiving blankets are now washed! Next will be your towels and clothes! :)
We are still in the mists of moving and will probably be in the new place by next week. Mommy is getting anxious to get everything over there and done already. I want to be able to get the house ready before you join us! I'm sure with lots of help from Grandma we will get things done.
In the meantime, I am finishing up teaching summer school this week as well as enjoying the company of great friends who have come for a visit from Boston. Kristin and Jonathan are here to see Mommy's baby bump! They are so excited for us and will probably be back to see you after you arrive as well. So as you can tell we are quite busy, but with all good things!
Daddy and I watched as my belly moved everywhere the other night. Daddy's face lite up when I called for him to look. It was very cute. You have been moving a lot lately, like you're swimming around in there. I bet the space will get more cramped as time goes by. Keep up the good work though. Grow healthy and strong! We can't wait to meet you! Loving you more and more everyday....
Mommy and Daddy
Wow, the 8th month! Time sure is flying by and there is still so much to do! At 32 weeks you are getting closer to 4 pounds and are about 16.7-17 inches long. It seems that you will be gaining about a third of your weight over the next 7 weeks. You have fully grown fingernails, toenails, and hair or at least "peach fuzz" on your little head! Your skin is also becoming more soft and smooth as you plump up.
Daddy and Mommy spent Father's day putting together your crib and getting the bedding fitted on just right. I even did a first load of laundry for you! All of your sheets and receiving blankets are now washed! Next will be your towels and clothes! :)
We are still in the mists of moving and will probably be in the new place by next week. Mommy is getting anxious to get everything over there and done already. I want to be able to get the house ready before you join us! I'm sure with lots of help from Grandma we will get things done.
In the meantime, I am finishing up teaching summer school this week as well as enjoying the company of great friends who have come for a visit from Boston. Kristin and Jonathan are here to see Mommy's baby bump! They are so excited for us and will probably be back to see you after you arrive as well. So as you can tell we are quite busy, but with all good things!
Daddy and I watched as my belly moved everywhere the other night. Daddy's face lite up when I called for him to look. It was very cute. You have been moving a lot lately, like you're swimming around in there. I bet the space will get more cramped as time goes by. Keep up the good work though. Grow healthy and strong! We can't wait to meet you! Loving you more and more everyday....
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, June 18, 2009
9 weeks to go!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 31 weeks you are about 16 inches long and weighing about 3.3 to 4 pounds. Your head is going through a growth spurt and you can move it from side to side. No wonder I feel you moving around so much! :) Your body is starting to plump up as all the needed fat accumulates under your skin. I know you will be cute and round!
Daddy and I watched my belly bounce around as you moved all over last night. It is a funny sensation, especially when I can see and feel a hard bump in one area, but I'm so happy to feel you since it lets me know that you are active and healthy!
We got your nursery furniture in and will be setting it up this weekend! I'm getting so excited to get things together for you. Since we are in the middle of moving it may take a bit of time to get it all done, but hopefully your room will be in great shape before you get here!
At our last doctor's appointment all was well with you. It's always great to hear the sound of your heartbeat and the doctor is always good about letting me listen for a while! Unfortunately, she had no more remedies or suggestions for my leg cramps and heartburn which seems to be the complaint of many mommies-to-be these days. I guess it's just part of the process :) We'll be going every 2 weeks now, and soon every week! Mommy is getting a bit anxious and really excited about what's to come, but for now there is still lots to do before you arrive! Keep growing healthy and strong. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
At 31 weeks you are about 16 inches long and weighing about 3.3 to 4 pounds. Your head is going through a growth spurt and you can move it from side to side. No wonder I feel you moving around so much! :) Your body is starting to plump up as all the needed fat accumulates under your skin. I know you will be cute and round!
Daddy and I watched my belly bounce around as you moved all over last night. It is a funny sensation, especially when I can see and feel a hard bump in one area, but I'm so happy to feel you since it lets me know that you are active and healthy!
We got your nursery furniture in and will be setting it up this weekend! I'm getting so excited to get things together for you. Since we are in the middle of moving it may take a bit of time to get it all done, but hopefully your room will be in great shape before you get here!
At our last doctor's appointment all was well with you. It's always great to hear the sound of your heartbeat and the doctor is always good about letting me listen for a while! Unfortunately, she had no more remedies or suggestions for my leg cramps and heartburn which seems to be the complaint of many mommies-to-be these days. I guess it's just part of the process :) We'll be going every 2 weeks now, and soon every week! Mommy is getting a bit anxious and really excited about what's to come, but for now there is still lots to do before you arrive! Keep growing healthy and strong. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Friday, June 12, 2009
10 weeks to go!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Wow 30 weeks! I can't believe we are at this point already, time is flying by. You are about 3 pounds now and almost 16 inches long. The amniotic fluid surrounding you will soon decrease as you begin to take up more room and your eye sight is developing which will continue to take time even after you are born. It's amazing to think that in just about 10 weeks you will be here with us.
It is a very busy time for Daddy and I now. We are starting to pack in order to get ready for our move at the end of the month. We have decided to move into a bigger condo, closer to Grandma and Grandpa so that you will have a really nice bedroom and more space to grow. We have also ordered your nursery furniture and bedding thanks to Grandma and Grandpa's generosity and are awaiting it's arrival so that we can start setting up your nursery! I am getting very excited about that and am hoping to have it done (at least mostly done) before you get here! We were also lucky enough to get some nice hand me downs from your Aunt Martha and Cousin Zielia! We are very fortunate to have family that's looking out for us.
So far Mommy is feeling pretty good two weeks into the last trimester. Although some nights seem to be a struggle since I'm getting lots of heartburn now and really bad leg cramps which wake me in the middle of the night and have been quite painful. I'll have to keep trying to stretch out more and hydrate myself as much as possible since it is getting so hot down here in sunny Florida this time of year. The nice part about all this is that Daddy and I have been feeling you kick and dance around a lot....I don't even mind that you perform for us early in the morning, though I'm starting to think that you are going to be an early bird like your Daddy! :) You are even kicking around in there right now! And this morning you were doing some double kicks, as Daddy put it, for quite some time. It was pretty funny actually. I'm so happy he gets to feel you and that you don't shy away when his hand is on my belly because it's really a nice bonding time for him. So as we continue to plan for your arrival, keep growing healthy and strong and kick all you want, I love feeling you move!!! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wow 30 weeks! I can't believe we are at this point already, time is flying by. You are about 3 pounds now and almost 16 inches long. The amniotic fluid surrounding you will soon decrease as you begin to take up more room and your eye sight is developing which will continue to take time even after you are born. It's amazing to think that in just about 10 weeks you will be here with us.
It is a very busy time for Daddy and I now. We are starting to pack in order to get ready for our move at the end of the month. We have decided to move into a bigger condo, closer to Grandma and Grandpa so that you will have a really nice bedroom and more space to grow. We have also ordered your nursery furniture and bedding thanks to Grandma and Grandpa's generosity and are awaiting it's arrival so that we can start setting up your nursery! I am getting very excited about that and am hoping to have it done (at least mostly done) before you get here! We were also lucky enough to get some nice hand me downs from your Aunt Martha and Cousin Zielia! We are very fortunate to have family that's looking out for us.
So far Mommy is feeling pretty good two weeks into the last trimester. Although some nights seem to be a struggle since I'm getting lots of heartburn now and really bad leg cramps which wake me in the middle of the night and have been quite painful. I'll have to keep trying to stretch out more and hydrate myself as much as possible since it is getting so hot down here in sunny Florida this time of year. The nice part about all this is that Daddy and I have been feeling you kick and dance around a lot....I don't even mind that you perform for us early in the morning, though I'm starting to think that you are going to be an early bird like your Daddy! :) You are even kicking around in there right now! And this morning you were doing some double kicks, as Daddy put it, for quite some time. It was pretty funny actually. I'm so happy he gets to feel you and that you don't shy away when his hand is on my belly because it's really a nice bonding time for him. So as we continue to plan for your arrival, keep growing healthy and strong and kick all you want, I love feeling you move!!! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 29 weeks you are growing fast! Weighing about 2 and 1/2 pounds and over 15 inches long, about the size of a butternut squash. I have been feeling you move and kick a lot now and Daddy even gets to feel you most of the time as well. We can't help but smile and giggle each time you put on a little show for us. It's a really neat feeling and I look forward to it everyday. I have even started to count your kicks each day and will begin recording them on a chart. Your head is growing too, making room for your developing brain and you are soaking up lots of calcium, about 250 milligrams each day, from Mommy for your hardening bones. I'll be sure to drink lots of milk! :)
I went to the doctor today for a check up. Your heartbeat is strong and healthy at 150+ beats per minute and Mommy is measuring right where she should according to the doctor. I also had my second glucose test this morning but all was fine with the last one so I'm sure it will be okay again. Now we start seeing the doctor every two weeks. It is such a relief to go there just to hear your heartbeat! It's an amazing sound and a wonderful feeling when the doctor says that all sounds great!
Daddy and I are continuing to add to our beginning collection of things for you and will begin putting together your room soon!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
At 29 weeks you are growing fast! Weighing about 2 and 1/2 pounds and over 15 inches long, about the size of a butternut squash. I have been feeling you move and kick a lot now and Daddy even gets to feel you most of the time as well. We can't help but smile and giggle each time you put on a little show for us. It's a really neat feeling and I look forward to it everyday. I have even started to count your kicks each day and will begin recording them on a chart. Your head is growing too, making room for your developing brain and you are soaking up lots of calcium, about 250 milligrams each day, from Mommy for your hardening bones. I'll be sure to drink lots of milk! :)
I went to the doctor today for a check up. Your heartbeat is strong and healthy at 150+ beats per minute and Mommy is measuring right where she should according to the doctor. I also had my second glucose test this morning but all was fine with the last one so I'm sure it will be okay again. Now we start seeing the doctor every two weeks. It is such a relief to go there just to hear your heartbeat! It's an amazing sound and a wonderful feeling when the doctor says that all sounds great!
Daddy and I are continuing to add to our beginning collection of things for you and will begin putting together your room soon!
Keep growing healthy and strong little one! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What a Wonderful Baby Shower!!!
Our amazing friends from work threw us an absolutely wonderful baby shower! We are so blessed to have such an amazing and thoughtful group of friends and extended family around us. Here are some pictures from the even and of Mommy at 28 weeks!

Mommy at 28 weeks!
More great baby clothes!
Look at this adorable wreath of baby essentials things! It must have been hard work putting it all together!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
We have officially made it to the third trimester. Yay! At 28 weeks you are about 2 and 3/4 pounds and almost 15 inches long. You can blink your eyes which are now sprouting eyelashes. You can even see light that flashes into Mommy's tummy. Neurons are developing by the billions in your brain and you are continuing to put on more "baby" fat.
Daddy and I are noticing and feeling you kick and twirl more and more in Mommy's tummy. On Sunday morning you woke me up about 5:30am dancing up a storm. Daddy enjoyed feeling you and seeing Mommy's tummy bounce around for about 30 minutes. You started up again at 9:00am that same day! An active day for you! It made us feel so connected to you and comforted us, know that you are doing well.
This past weekend Grandpa's best friend, Johnny came down from NYC for his yearly visit. He and his wife were so happy and surprised to see Mommy and her growing belly a year after attending our wedding. We spent lots of time reminiscing about that day and shared our wedding album with them. By this time next year they will get to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy are really looking forward to this coming weekend, we are so excited to order your nursery furniture and to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary as well.
Keep kicking away! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
We have officially made it to the third trimester. Yay! At 28 weeks you are about 2 and 3/4 pounds and almost 15 inches long. You can blink your eyes which are now sprouting eyelashes. You can even see light that flashes into Mommy's tummy. Neurons are developing by the billions in your brain and you are continuing to put on more "baby" fat.
Daddy and I are noticing and feeling you kick and twirl more and more in Mommy's tummy. On Sunday morning you woke me up about 5:30am dancing up a storm. Daddy enjoyed feeling you and seeing Mommy's tummy bounce around for about 30 minutes. You started up again at 9:00am that same day! An active day for you! It made us feel so connected to you and comforted us, know that you are doing well.
This past weekend Grandpa's best friend, Johnny came down from NYC for his yearly visit. He and his wife were so happy and surprised to see Mommy and her growing belly a year after attending our wedding. We spent lots of time reminiscing about that day and shared our wedding album with them. By this time next year they will get to meet you!
Mommy and Daddy are really looking forward to this coming weekend, we are so excited to order your nursery furniture and to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary as well.
Keep kicking away! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Well everyone has been telling mommy how pregnant she is looking now. It must be the glow or my growing belly! I seem to follow it these days. :) It even bounces around a lot now that you are so actively kicking and moving around. What an incredible feeling it is both physically and emotionally to feel you now. The bond I feel with you grows everyday, so much so that words are not enough to describe the feeling. It makes me so happy so sit and feel you move, letting me know that you are doing well in there.
I also can't believe how quickly time is going by and that I am almost 7 months pregnant with you. Sometimes I feel like I haven't even had the chance to embrace all that is happening and all the changes that are coming our way. But I promise to continue to take the time to reflect and enjoy these moments as I know it will all continue to go by too fast.
At 27 weeks you weigh about 2 pounds and are about 14 and 1/2 inches long. You are sleeping and waking at regular intervals now which I am trying to keep track of, especially the times that you wake me in the middle of the night ;). You can also open and close your eyes now and follow a light if pointed at my belly, pretty remarkable! Your brain is extremely active now but your lungs are still developing as they should be at this time. All that hiccuping that I feel is very common of your movements now as well.
Daddy and I have been spending lots of time out doors, at the beach, walking around, and enjoying the sounds around us so that you will get use to them. We can't wait to have new experiences with you and share in all of life's wonders together. Our love for you grows more and more with each passing day. Keep growing healthy and strong little man!
Mommy and Daddy
Well everyone has been telling mommy how pregnant she is looking now. It must be the glow or my growing belly! I seem to follow it these days. :) It even bounces around a lot now that you are so actively kicking and moving around. What an incredible feeling it is both physically and emotionally to feel you now. The bond I feel with you grows everyday, so much so that words are not enough to describe the feeling. It makes me so happy so sit and feel you move, letting me know that you are doing well in there.
I also can't believe how quickly time is going by and that I am almost 7 months pregnant with you. Sometimes I feel like I haven't even had the chance to embrace all that is happening and all the changes that are coming our way. But I promise to continue to take the time to reflect and enjoy these moments as I know it will all continue to go by too fast.
At 27 weeks you weigh about 2 pounds and are about 14 and 1/2 inches long. You are sleeping and waking at regular intervals now which I am trying to keep track of, especially the times that you wake me in the middle of the night ;). You can also open and close your eyes now and follow a light if pointed at my belly, pretty remarkable! Your brain is extremely active now but your lungs are still developing as they should be at this time. All that hiccuping that I feel is very common of your movements now as well.
Daddy and I have been spending lots of time out doors, at the beach, walking around, and enjoying the sounds around us so that you will get use to them. We can't wait to have new experiences with you and share in all of life's wonders together. Our love for you grows more and more with each passing day. Keep growing healthy and strong little man!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 26 weeks you are becoming quite active! I can even feel you in the middle of the day when my students are working quietly on an assignment. You are incredible and definitely letting mommy know when you are awake. :) Since your hearing development has reached a higher sensitivity, you should be able to recognized Daddy and I talking. Good thing he read you a story last night before we went to sleep. You are also helping your lungs development by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. This creates breathing movements which I can often feel. A very strange but neat feeling. It is great practice for your first gulp of air on the "outside". You should now weigh about 1 and 2/3 pounds and measure at 14 inches from head to toe. It seems that you are putting on some baby fat and should continue do so throughout the rest of your time inside Mommy. Plus all your "boy parts" will be developed by the end of this week! Good news! :)
Since the weather is getting hotter here in Florida, mommy is definitely doing everything she can to stay cool; AC, lots and lots of water, and swimming as much as possible. I have a feeling it's going to be a long hot summer, but I also know that it will all be worth it!
I love feeling you move and kick around. It's a wonderful way of knowing that you are growing strong! Keep up the great work!
We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
At 26 weeks you are becoming quite active! I can even feel you in the middle of the day when my students are working quietly on an assignment. You are incredible and definitely letting mommy know when you are awake. :) Since your hearing development has reached a higher sensitivity, you should be able to recognized Daddy and I talking. Good thing he read you a story last night before we went to sleep. You are also helping your lungs development by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. This creates breathing movements which I can often feel. A very strange but neat feeling. It is great practice for your first gulp of air on the "outside". You should now weigh about 1 and 2/3 pounds and measure at 14 inches from head to toe. It seems that you are putting on some baby fat and should continue do so throughout the rest of your time inside Mommy. Plus all your "boy parts" will be developed by the end of this week! Good news! :)
Since the weather is getting hotter here in Florida, mommy is definitely doing everything she can to stay cool; AC, lots and lots of water, and swimming as much as possible. I have a feeling it's going to be a long hot summer, but I also know that it will all be worth it!
I love feeling you move and kick around. It's a wonderful way of knowing that you are growing strong! Keep up the great work!
We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Wow, Daddy and I had such a wonderful weekend! Friday night we went out for yummy pizza and happened to sit in an area of the restaurant with two other pregnant women, two babies, and our waitress was also pregnant! It was very amusing and the pizza was delicious! On Saturday we walked around downtown, went to lunch at our favorite cafe, and really enjoyed spending some much needed time together reminiscing and talking about what's to come. To top it all off, Daddy surprised mommy with a Vera Bradley baby bag in honor of my first official Mother-to-be Day! Plus an absolutely beautiful card (your Daddy is terrific with words) and some chocolates! The best part of the day was in the evening. Daddy and I were relaxing on the couch, watching a movie when all of a sudden I felt you kicking! I took Daddy's hand and placed it where you were moving. He waited patiently to see if you would continue. Sure enough you started tumbling and kicking for at least 30 minutes! It was amazing and I was so happy that Daddy could feel you moving around! You are starting to have some pretty strong kicks and the next morning you were going again. It seems that you are going to be quite an active little one. :)
Later, on Sunday Grandma and Grandpa even gave me a sweet card, very unexpected. Before we went over there, Daddy and I went out to Lido Beach and enjoyed the beautiful ocean! We spent lots of time in the water which was so refreshing, walked along the shore collecting shells, and talked about how much you will love the ocean like mommy does since that's all I want to do these days. We saw lots of babies splashing away at the shore line and laughed at how cute it will be when you are big enough to do the same. I am so grateful for times like this, it truly makes me appreciate our lives together and all the we have to look forward to with you.
I'm enjoying you so much already!
Wow, Daddy and I had such a wonderful weekend! Friday night we went out for yummy pizza and happened to sit in an area of the restaurant with two other pregnant women, two babies, and our waitress was also pregnant! It was very amusing and the pizza was delicious! On Saturday we walked around downtown, went to lunch at our favorite cafe, and really enjoyed spending some much needed time together reminiscing and talking about what's to come. To top it all off, Daddy surprised mommy with a Vera Bradley baby bag in honor of my first official Mother-to-be Day! Plus an absolutely beautiful card (your Daddy is terrific with words) and some chocolates! The best part of the day was in the evening. Daddy and I were relaxing on the couch, watching a movie when all of a sudden I felt you kicking! I took Daddy's hand and placed it where you were moving. He waited patiently to see if you would continue. Sure enough you started tumbling and kicking for at least 30 minutes! It was amazing and I was so happy that Daddy could feel you moving around! You are starting to have some pretty strong kicks and the next morning you were going again. It seems that you are going to be quite an active little one. :)
Later, on Sunday Grandma and Grandpa even gave me a sweet card, very unexpected. Before we went over there, Daddy and I went out to Lido Beach and enjoyed the beautiful ocean! We spent lots of time in the water which was so refreshing, walked along the shore collecting shells, and talked about how much you will love the ocean like mommy does since that's all I want to do these days. We saw lots of babies splashing away at the shore line and laughed at how cute it will be when you are big enough to do the same. I am so grateful for times like this, it truly makes me appreciate our lives together and all the we have to look forward to with you.
I'm enjoying you so much already!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Oh wow! You are starting to kick! I can't believe it. It's still very light but I am sure that it will be getting stronger as time goes on. I'm also feeling you hiccup and according to Dr. Doyle maybe some rhythmic breathing. It's pretty incredible!
On Tuesday I went for a checkup. Dr. Doyle said that you and I had a growth spurt! She is right, my belly has grown! Though she was very happy with it and said that's what we need to see, I personally hope that you grow more, but not me :)
Considering the growth spurt, you are now about 13 1/2 inches long from head to toe and about 1 1/2 pounds, about the size of a growing eggplant. You are beginning to gain some baby fat so your wrinkly skin will smooth out. Tiny capillaries are forming, giving you a pinkish glow and you are soaking up antibodies for your immune system. So, I'm trying very hard to stay healthy. My students are being sanitized constantly! :) If we could see inside, daddy and I might see your head full of hair and would be able to tell what color it is, for now! No wonder I've been having heartburn! Tums is my new friend :)
Daddy and I went to your Aunt Leah's college graduation last weekend. We had a great time taking a ride up there, sharing lots of laughs with your uncles Adam and David, and of course celebrating Leah's accomplishments. Daddy and I were daydreaming and talking about how you will be bouncing around with us to David's high school graduation in two years and many other family occasions that we will be celebrating. It was fun to picture it all and giggle about it. So keep growing healthy and strong "little guy", we can't wait to see you! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, April 30, 2009
24 weeks and counting! WOW, BABY!!!
Look at those tiny fingers and toes! Aren't I just adorable!
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Yay, you are 24 weeks!...and 1 day today. :) Daddy and I went to my ultrasound appointment and got to see you! You are absolutely amazing! Measuring at 1.7 ounces, you are just perfect! We counted all of your cute, tiny fingers and toes. We saw the four chambers of your heart pumping strong, a full bladder, your kidneys, lips and nose, your spine, and measured your femur. You were very active moving around, trying to grab your toes, putting your hand in your mouth. Daddy and I had so much fun watching you!
At this time your brain is growing quickly and your lungs are developing the branches of your respiratory system as well as producing surfactant which will help your air sacs inflate once you need them. It still continues to amaze me, seeing how much you grow and change. I'm sure that feeling will last throughout, as I watch you grow up!
Mommy and Daddy will be going to Gainesville this weekend to see Aunt Leah. She is graduating from college and we are attending her graduation ceremony. I'm sure she is anxious to see my growing belly and hear all about how you are doing! Hopefully it will be a relaxing and enjoyable trip for all of us.
We are so excited about all the great progress you are making and that all is going well with you so far. We have recently received some sweet compliments from both friends and strangers about how happy Daddy and I seem when we are together and how adorable and happy you are going to be. Let's hope that is all true, since we are so happy and grateful to be able to take this journey. Keep up the great work, my little man! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
As time goes by, mommy is realizing more and more how important you are becoming to us and how much she wants to savor each moment of your growing inside me. Honestly, being pregnant has definitely had it's ups and downs but when I have the time, in the stillness of a moment, I stop and think how amazing it is that I am carrying life, you, inside me. I can only imagine how much stronger my connection and love for you will continue to grow and how incredible it will be to finally have you in my arms. I think about that first moment often and though I am sure it will not all happen exactly as I have it playing out in my head, I know it will be an extraordinary moment for both your daddy and I. In the meantime, several things have come about in the past week that have helped remind me that becoming a mommy is my number one priority and how important your daddy and our growing family is to me. We will be making some tough decisions over the next few days all for the better of our family and that is all that matters now. I know daddy and I will do what is best for our family, for you. In the end all will turn out the way it should, with a great new sense of happiness and so much to live for. I promise you that we will do everything we can to make you feel happiness, security, and above all, greatly loved.
At 23 weeks today, you are so close to 24 weeks when everyone in our family believes we are on the right path considering your Aunt Leah was born at 24 weeks and has grown into a wonderful young adult with great accomplishments. Daddy and I will also be seeing you at an ultrasound next week which we are so excited about. Your sense of movement and hearing is becoming more keen and you are now over 11 inches long and weighing more than a pound. It will be so amazing to see how big you have gotten next week! Mommy is feeling you sway, dance, and squirm around more and more. No big kicking yet, but I'm sure I will feel you soon. Keep up the great work, grow healthy and strong! Our love for you grows each moment of everyday.
Mommy and Daddy
As time goes by, mommy is realizing more and more how important you are becoming to us and how much she wants to savor each moment of your growing inside me. Honestly, being pregnant has definitely had it's ups and downs but when I have the time, in the stillness of a moment, I stop and think how amazing it is that I am carrying life, you, inside me. I can only imagine how much stronger my connection and love for you will continue to grow and how incredible it will be to finally have you in my arms. I think about that first moment often and though I am sure it will not all happen exactly as I have it playing out in my head, I know it will be an extraordinary moment for both your daddy and I. In the meantime, several things have come about in the past week that have helped remind me that becoming a mommy is my number one priority and how important your daddy and our growing family is to me. We will be making some tough decisions over the next few days all for the better of our family and that is all that matters now. I know daddy and I will do what is best for our family, for you. In the end all will turn out the way it should, with a great new sense of happiness and so much to live for. I promise you that we will do everything we can to make you feel happiness, security, and above all, greatly loved.
At 23 weeks today, you are so close to 24 weeks when everyone in our family believes we are on the right path considering your Aunt Leah was born at 24 weeks and has grown into a wonderful young adult with great accomplishments. Daddy and I will also be seeing you at an ultrasound next week which we are so excited about. Your sense of movement and hearing is becoming more keen and you are now over 11 inches long and weighing more than a pound. It will be so amazing to see how big you have gotten next week! Mommy is feeling you sway, dance, and squirm around more and more. No big kicking yet, but I'm sure I will feel you soon. Keep up the great work, grow healthy and strong! Our love for you grows each moment of everyday.
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
At 22 weeks mommy is starting to feel you moving more and more, no kicks yet but I'm sure soon enough I will feel those little feet! You also seem to like to climb up high, by the end of most days you sit way up on my belly! You are now 11 inches long and about 1 pound; the length of a spaghetti squash. Your cute face is fully developed with facial features like lips, eyelids, and eyebrows having become more distinct now and your tooth buds are forming under your gums. Your beautiful eyes are also formed, except for the pigment in your iris which will come later and may even change after you are born. Fine hair called lanugo is covering your body and your skin is all wrinkly but will fill out in weeks to come with a padding of fat as you gain weight. Inside your belly, your pancreas is forming producing essential hormones for your body.
I'm told to watch what I say now, since you are able to hear outside noises now too! I'm always reminding my students to speak kindly and make gentle sounds. Playing quiet music or singing softly seem to be the best sounds for you. Hopefully, you are starting to develop great sleeping patterns by now as well.
Mommy and Daddy started registaring for all those things that we will need for you at Baby's R Us. We are also getting some cute ideas for your room with the theme of whales and sailboats! It will be fitting, I believe, especially when we finally let everyone know the name we have chosen for you!
Keep up the great work. Grow healthy and strong so mommy can feel you kicking! We love you very, very much!
Mommy and Daddy
At 22 weeks mommy is starting to feel you moving more and more, no kicks yet but I'm sure soon enough I will feel those little feet! You also seem to like to climb up high, by the end of most days you sit way up on my belly! You are now 11 inches long and about 1 pound; the length of a spaghetti squash. Your cute face is fully developed with facial features like lips, eyelids, and eyebrows having become more distinct now and your tooth buds are forming under your gums. Your beautiful eyes are also formed, except for the pigment in your iris which will come later and may even change after you are born. Fine hair called lanugo is covering your body and your skin is all wrinkly but will fill out in weeks to come with a padding of fat as you gain weight. Inside your belly, your pancreas is forming producing essential hormones for your body.
I'm told to watch what I say now, since you are able to hear outside noises now too! I'm always reminding my students to speak kindly and make gentle sounds. Playing quiet music or singing softly seem to be the best sounds for you. Hopefully, you are starting to develop great sleeping patterns by now as well.
Mommy and Daddy started registaring for all those things that we will need for you at Baby's R Us. We are also getting some cute ideas for your room with the theme of whales and sailboats! It will be fitting, I believe, especially when we finally let everyone know the name we have chosen for you!
Keep up the great work. Grow healthy and strong so mommy can feel you kicking! We love you very, very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dear Sweet Baby Boy,
Daddy and I have been enjoying the last couple of days together looking at baby furniture, bedding, and other ideas for your room which we plan to get started on no later than early June. We have lots of great things in mind using blues and browns, whales and sailboats, and much more!
It was wonderful to hear that strong heartbeat of yours on Tuesday. Dr. Doyle was very happy with your heart rate and told us everything was going well! You are the length of a carrot now, about 10 and 1/2 inches long and the size of a growing papaya over the next 3 weeks. Your taste buds are developed so I'm assuming that you will like fresh fruit because mommy is eating lots of watermelon, oranges, strawberries and bananas! Your eyebrows and lids are also developed and soon enough I should be feeling some of your kicks. I'm very curious to know what that is like!
Daddy and I spent some time at Borders Books the other day. We have been reading lots of pregnancy books, looking through baby name books, and even bought you a few brand new books. You are now enjoying "Goodnight Moon", "The Hungry Caterpillar", and "I Love You Through and Through." Of course Grandma has a ton of books even from when I was a baby that I know you will love having her read to you as much as I did.
Daddy surprised me this last weekend with a bunch of adorable outfits for you too! Ones with baseballs, whales, cho-cho trains, and more! He's so excited to dress his little man. I think you'll be the best dress boy around!
Well keep up the good work, grow stronger each day! Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see you!
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yay, we made it half way! Now 20 more weeks to go and you are growing fast. The size of a cantaloupe, the length of a banana, what more could we ask for at this time. You are practicing swallowing, which is really good for that digestive system and fine hair is starting to grow on your scalp.
Mommy and Daddy are so happy that you are doing well after our little scare last Friday. It was very nerve racking having to race to the doctors office after the nurse practitioner scared mommy when I asked her if it was okay that I had not felt you moving for two days. But since we're still early on Dr. Doyle reassured us that all was well by letting us listen to that strong heart beat of yours for a while. No more bad colds and stress for mommy!
Now that we know you are a boy, Mommy and Daddy are noticing little baby boys everywhere. It's very cute! We are also enjoying looking at adorable "boy things". I can't wait to start shopping! I think grandpa already started ;)! We have also been reading to you often, some of our favorites so far are "I Love You, Little One" and "Skippyjon Jones." I think you'll love it, Daddy does all the funny accents really well!
We have another appointment next week, so we'll get to hear you again! In the meantime, keep moving and growing healthy and strong! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The size of a mango seems just right for this week since mommy is craving more and more fruit. Must be because I'm so thirsty all the time. Your brain is working hard right now developing all your sensory areas for smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch. Since you are able to hear my voice, I've been singing more and reading books to you every chance I get. I can't wait to hold you and actually do those things face to face! I wonder if you will come out with a full head of hair which is also developing now. The reason, I'm wondering is because I seem to be getting more and more heartburn these days; all worth it of course :)!
A couple of truly thoughtful friends surprised us over the last few of days with adorable outfits and a soft blanket for you. It was so generous of them and a wonderful way to get us started. Mommy and Daddy even went to Baby's R U to look at all the things we like for you. There's so much to choose from, but I'm sure we will get all the right things to help us take care of you, make sure you're safe, and that you are comfortable. Keep up the great work, grow healthy and strong "little man". We love you so very much.
Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're 18 weeks today and we had our big ultrasound! Daddy and Grandma were with me. Your a boy!!!! A big happy surprise for mommy! Of course Daddy was supper excited and Grandma as well....Now Grandpa knows what color Yankee cap to get you. We are now thinking blue!!! I guess Daddy will have to get the Red Sox one....I hope they don't get you too confused; my poor baby!
It was amazing to see you today!!!!! To see how much you have grown and changed since 12 weeks. Mommy is definitely in love and got very emotional, which I seem to do a lot more lately. We saw your cute tiny face; a perfect profile. We counted your fingers and toes. Daddy went right up to the big TV monitor and counted each tiny one, it was sooooo cute! We even saw you sucking your thumb. The ultrasound tech pointed out your stomach, bladder, kidneys, and all 4 chambers of your heart which is only the size of mommies pinkie nail right now but doing so much work! You are about 5 1/2 inches long and 7 ounces, just where you should be now. You are also doing a lot of yawning, hiccuping, rolling (it was so neat to see your spinal cord when you rolled over for us), twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing to pass the time. Your blood vessels are now visible through your thin skin, your ears are also in their correct spots, and the protective covering of myelin is forming around your nerves.
Since I finally told my students about you last week, I showed them some of your pictures from today. They were so excited and thanked me for sharing my "little miracle" as they call you with them. The boys were especially excited. Go Blue!
With all the excitement today, mommy definitely needs her rest tonight. Now that we know what you are little baby boy, we have lots of planning ahead! Time for shopping, mommy's favorite part! :) Keep growing healthy and are going to be soooo cute! Mommy and Daddy are totally enamored, intrigued, and in love!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dear Baby "Onion," (3/11/09)
Today you are 17 weeks and doing some serious growing. Your skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage into hardened bone and you can move all your joints. Your hearing is developing now which means Mommy and Daddy will be listening to lots of classical music, singing to you more often, and reading books to you. Also, your umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. You are already 5 inches long and your sweat glands are starting to develop too. You even have toe and finger prints of your very own already. Wow, that's enough to make me tired for sure!
Daddy and I are very excited for this coming weekend because we have some dear friends coming to visit (Natasha and Mike)! We can't wait to spend time with them and for them to see my growing belly, hear the recording of your heart beat, and see the ultrasound pictures. We plan on spending lots of time outside since they are coming from NYC where the weather has been very cold and snowy all winter.
We also can't wait for that 18 week ultrasound next Wednesday! I think Grandma will join us as well. She really wants to see you too! Keep up the great work, grow strong everyday little one. Mommy and Daddy love you more and more each day!
Mommy and Daddy
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wow baby! What a strong heart beat you have! Today I went to my appointment, officially 16 weeks and 5 days. The doctor went over all the test results which all came back negative, great news. We talked about how I have started to feel some fluttering which is really neat! She said that it's what I should be feeling and that within the next few weeks I will feel kicking! I'm so curious to know what that feels like and for Daddy to feel you as well. We also talked about what I can do and take to help me feel better since I'm fighting off a cold right now. Seems that Tylenol and Sudafed (but only at night and if needed in the morning) is what I can take for relief. Besides that lots of fluids, like orange juice, tea and honey, and of course Grandma's cure all....chicken soup! Hopefully I'll feel better with that soon!
Since Daddy could not make it to the appointment today, Grandma and Aunt Leah joined me. It was nice to have them there to hear your heart beat which was over 150 bpm, wow! Grandma recorded it for Daddy on our mini tape recorder. He was ecstatic to hear it and so proud of how strong you sound! I've even shared it with some great friends already. Everyone wants to know how you are doing. Next week we will get to see you since we go for an ultrasound. The doctor told me that we will see the 4 chambers of your heart, they will take all your measurements, count your fingers, and more....if you cooperate we will even find out if you will be a boy or girl! Either way as long as you are healthy and happy....we'll be happy too!!!
A wonderfully thoughtful friend of mine from Boston has already sent us a care package. I was overwhelmed when I received it today. Part of it was for me, a pampering kit for pregnancy with beautifully smelling bath soak, massage oil, and foot cream. ...and the other part was for you, your first stuffed animal (a little bunny) and your first book called, "I Love You, Little One." Amazing! Daddy and I can't wait to read it to you! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wow baby! What a strong heart beat you have! Today I went to my appointment, officially 16 weeks and 5 days. The doctor went over all the test results which all came back negative, great news. We talked about how I have started to feel some fluttering which is really neat! She said that it's what I should be feeling and that within the next few weeks I will feel kicking! I'm so curious to know what that feels like and for Daddy to feel you as well. We also talked about what I can do and take to help me feel better since I'm fighting off a cold right now. Seems that Tylenol and Sudafed (but only at night and if needed in the morning) is what I can take for relief. Besides that lots of fluids, like orange juice, tea and honey, and of course Grandma's cure all....chicken soup! Hopefully I'll feel better with that soon!
Since Daddy could not make it to the appointment today, Grandma and Aunt Leah joined me. It was nice to have them there to hear your heart beat which was over 150 bpm, wow! Grandma recorded it for Daddy on our mini tape recorder. He was ecstatic to hear it and so proud of how strong you sound! I've even shared it with some great friends already. Everyone wants to know how you are doing. Next week we will get to see you since we go for an ultrasound. The doctor told me that we will see the 4 chambers of your heart, they will take all your measurements, count your fingers, and more....if you cooperate we will even find out if you will be a boy or girl! Either way as long as you are healthy and happy....we'll be happy too!!!
A wonderfully thoughtful friend of mine from Boston has already sent us a care package. I was overwhelmed when I received it today. Part of it was for me, a pampering kit for pregnancy with beautifully smelling bath soak, massage oil, and foot cream. ...and the other part was for you, your first stuffed animal (a little bunny) and your first book called, "I Love You, Little One." Amazing! Daddy and I can't wait to read it to you! We love you very much!
Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wow baby! You're 16 weeks today! Yeah! You are heading for a big growth spurt over the next few weeks, making mommy's tummy bigger and bigger. Thank goodness to great friends who have sent and are sharing maternity clothing with me :)! Your eyes and ears are moving into their correct places, your scalp pattern is forming, and your growing those toenails that mommy will have to cut all the time! Your heart is working really hard now as well, it's pumping 25 quarts of blood per day! Since mommy's birthday was yesterday, daddy and I were talking about how we can't believe that we are bringing a new life into our world and how great it will be to include you in our celebrations next year! But while we are anxiously awaiting your arrival, we still had a wonderful relaxing day together, just what I needed. Daddy even gave me something really special that constantly reminds me of him and you! It's beautiful and puts a smile on my face. We are awaiting some upcoming appointments over the next 2 weeks so that we can hear and see you. Next Monday, we'll go in for a check up to hear your heartbeat and measure mommy's tummy! Maybe your Aunt and Grandma will join me! The following week will be an ultrasound and we may even find out if you are going to be a boy or a girl. That will be exciting news!

Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear Baby "Orange", (2/25/09)
Wow baby, you are about 4 inches long now and so busy developing air sacs in your lungs, growing longer legs, and forming taste buds! You are also able to recognize light, even though your eyelids are shut. Being the size of an orange is certainly starting to show on mommy's tummy, scary and exciting all at the same time. I'll have to come up with a clever way of sharing you with my students as they will start to notice soon enough. Luckily, I have a wonderful friend who also has a baby growing that has shared some great ideas with me! Of course everyone is asking for belly pictures which I'll post soon. I can't wait until my next appointment in two weeks so that I can see and hear you again! In the meantime, I'm still daydreaming about you all the time and constantly talking to Daddy about all my hopes and worries. He's always good about reassuring me that everything will be alright. I have also been playing lots of classical/quiet music at home, in the car, and even in my classroom. It's great for my students, relaxing for me, and most especially calming for you since by next week you'll already be able to recognize sounds. Keep growing healthy and strong little one! Mommy and Daddy are already in love!
Mommy and Daddy
Monday, February 16, 2009

Dear Baby "Lemon", (2/16/09)
Well, we finally started telling people the happy news as I'm trying to figure out how to set up this blog for you! We are so excited at how wonderful you are doing so far and how much you have grown! You have fingerprints already and are able to make funny faces and even suck your thumb!
At your last ultrasound we saw you flip and kick and punch your way around. It looked like you are having a great time in there.
All this growing must be exhausting for you, I know it is for me. I've been sleeping a lot to try to keep up with you and am constantly dreaming about what you will look like. Even though you can't hear us yet, Daddy and I are already singing to you every morning! We can't wait to see you and are loving you more and more each day!
Mommy and Daddy
Well, we finally started telling people the happy news as I'm trying to figure out how to set up this blog for you! We are so excited at how wonderful you are doing so far and how much you have grown! You have fingerprints already and are able to make funny faces and even suck your thumb!
At your last ultrasound we saw you flip and kick and punch your way around. It looked like you are having a great time in there.
All this growing must be exhausting for you, I know it is for me. I've been sleeping a lot to try to keep up with you and am constantly dreaming about what you will look like. Even though you can't hear us yet, Daddy and I are already singing to you every morning! We can't wait to see you and are loving you more and more each day!
Mommy and Daddy

Jimmy and I met over 8 years ago and were married June 1, 2009. We have had many wonderful journeys together and are now getting ready to start a new one. We recently found out that we are expecting! Though it happened a bit sooner than we thought it would, we are so excited to start a family together and are really looking forward to this new beginning!
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